God gave me these words. If you are among the people to whom these words were addressed I would recommend you to take it seriously.
„Therefore, you kings be wise: be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.“ (November 2016)
"Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world, both low and high, rich and poor alike." (1 August 2018)
"Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world." (4 November 2019)
"Take my warnings seriously!" (23 March 2020)
"Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world." (21 February 2020)
„Therefore, you kings be wise: be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.“ (29 May 2020)
"Listen to earth! For the Lord has spoken." (7 July 2020)
"Sing for God´s honour, play the new instruments, you nations of the Earth." (18 July 2020)
"May the nations thank you, may the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth.
May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you." (18 August 2020)
I am sure that these words are important for you to hear. If you believe this is a message of the Lord and you can see that through this ministry God spoke to nations very important words, as for example with Syrian president Bashar Assad in 2012, or COVID-12 in January, February and other months in 2020, then you can help to send those to the people you believe should hear them.
I only remind here that in 2012 God showed us that Syrian president Bashar Assad "will not move" and "will stand" at the time when many people and rulers thought the opposite and were trying to put him down. The results were hundreds of thousands of killed people, the broken land, many refugees and the place for the Islamic state to emerge on the scene with bigger power.
We had more words to all these events but I mention here only these two now with the aim to be simple here in this article. I believe that only to hear these two words properly and to recognize them as from God could save many lives.
I believe that all that is said by the prophets must be discerned according to the scriptures and all prophecies must be discerned by other ministers too. /1 Cor 14,29; 1 John 4,1/ I also believe that the only fully authoritative source of revelation is the Scripture. / Math 4,1-11;Jan 10,35; 2 Tim 3,16-17/
But we also have the Holy Spirit sent here on the Earth who was given to show us what should come /John 16,13/, so we need to hear well. / Proverbs 1,23-29/
President of Syria Bashar Assad
You can read the article here on this website.
Or here in the Czech part of the old web of this ministry.
We also made a conference in 2013 about Syria, where we spoke about these things and some others regarding Arabs spring.
Pandemic of COVID-19
Regarding the COVID-19 the listening to what God is truly saying to this historical event could save the lives of many, even some Christians who were too naive or very mislead by some people, either some politician, prophets or ministers.
If you want to study more you can read these articles or see this video:
We are preparing also the overview of all other words regarding COVID-19 received in 2020 and also some insights to Scriptures regarding it for you to be able to really discern what the Scriptures are saying. We saw that some people sometimes proclaim something as unbiblical where it is totally biblical. Sometimes it's due to simple lack of knowledge /Hosea 4,6/, sometimes its ignorance, pride or spiritual blindness. But as the people in Berea, we can discern many things that are said with studying in the Scriptures. / Acts 17,11/
Be blessed and thank you for sharing these words with others if you see them as important to be heard.
Jiří Joel Krupa

Jiří Joel Krupa
- Senior pastor CPMI worldwide
- Prophetic ministry
- Educational and pedagogical ministry
"Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
"In essential unity, in non-essential charity, in all love."
"Bringing the heart of God to the heart of people."
Website: jirikrupa.orgLatest from Jiří Joel Krupa
- Do not fight against Israel!
- Ukraine's Efforts to Reclaim Lost Territories in the War with Russia
- Russian Aggression in Ukraine
- Vision About United Ukraine and the Fight for All Territories of Ukraine Is Not From the Mouth of the Lord
- COVID-19 - It Is Not the End - Your Prophets Spoke to You Their Own Visions
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