Prophetic Blog

Malawi II - The Joy of the Lord

Covid-19 Early prophecies


First words about coronavirus I received on 28 January 2020. 

(Actually, I had received some words even three days earlier  on 25 January 2020, but I couldn't believe them and I still can´t believe it fully.) 

“The Lord your God decreed this disaster for this place. And now the Lord has brought it about; he has done just as he said he would. All this happened because you people sinned against the Lord and did not obey him." 

 /28 January 2020/  

"So the Lord send Plague" 

 /31 January 2020/


European Union

Before the Czech Republic became part of the European Union on 1 May 2004, the Lord spoke to me and told me that we (as the Czech Republic) would surely be a part of it. At that time He also showed me some things that, I believe, were from him. 


Angela Merkel and Islam, Germany, Europe

Politicians, activists and religious leaders who calm down others with words about moderate Islam and do not see the coming danger and its source. They don´t recognize either the cause nor the upcoming consequences.

"I have not sent them, declares the Lord"  /18 October 2015/

"Deceptive words that I have not commanded them"  /18 October 2015/


Government of National Accord, Breakdown of Libya, Don´t eat each other, Libya

On 10 August 2017, I received some prophetic words about Libya.

Recently we have published another article about prophetic words regarding Lybia, that we received in 2011 and which were prophesying the devastation of Libya and were speaking about the dealing of NATO powers that were very fast to put down Gaddafi's regime as "foolish acting". 

In this article, I want to mention the words regarding the Government of National Accord (GNA), received a few days ago. 

"assembled by the people and through man" (10 August 2017)

"it's not a joyful message" (10 August 2017)

"it will not lead to good" (10 August 2017)

"was born from the human’s initiative" (10 August 2017)


NATO intervention in Libya, Fall of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya

In February and March of 2011, God spoke to us about Arab spring and the fall of Muammar Gaddafi.

In April of 2011, we received other prophetic words regarding Libya. In one of these words, God spoke to us about the problems of Libya which will come. The word of the Lord was: „their land will be devastated“. This word was showing a result of conflict and a situation after the fall of Gaddafi.

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