Do not fight against Israel!

barbed wire 1876148 1280On 7 October 2023, there was a massive attack on Israel with hundreds of victims,  and there was a huge attack on HAMAS in Gaza in response by Izrael.  There were unbelievably cruel testimonies of Hamas terrorism when entering Izrael, and there are many testimonies of huge suffering in the Gaza Strip. In the last months, I have delivered a word of the Lord on more occasions: “Do not fight against Israel!”.

 The basic frame of this word also comes from the Scriptures - Zechariah 12:3.

“On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.” /Zechariah 12:3 NIV/


In October 2023, I received some things from Isaiah 24 about Gaza. 

Among others: “they will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon”, "the land will be laid waste, left in ruin”, “the Lord has spoken this word", and some other words. 

On Sunday, 29 October 2023, I delivered a prophetic message at the Sunday meeting of the CPMI House of Prayer Bruntal (recorded online live) regarding Gaza:  “It will be ruined” and “Do not fight against Israel.” One week earlier, on 22 October 2023, the words “Do not fight against Israel” and “It can not withstand.” One month later, again, the words “Do not fight against Israel”

We recognise the return of Jews to Israel and the emergence of Israel in history as something that was prophetically foretold in the Scriptures and fulfilled as time went on, and prophecies need to be fulfilled. 

I do not believe that all of Israel's political and historical decisions and moves are good; surely not. But similarly, as David was very aware of God´s anointing of Saul, all nations should recognise (they will not all recognise) God's hand and strategy in placing the Jews back in the Land. It is impossible to win against God. Even if you think or could see that Israel can deal in some areas in the way Saul did (not inquiring and obeying God), there is still awareness of God´s plan and establishment, as well as his authority and order. You must be very careful about your attitudes or actions. 


I attended the Global Watch Summit in Hernhutt (Germany) in August but stayed in Liberec (the Czech Republic).

God gave me Ezechiel 30 (in Liberec), and I delivered it with four other words on 14 September in the German group for discerning. Especially “it is near", “their cities will be devastated, and “the day of pains”.

On Sunday,18 August 2024, I got these words at the CPMI House of Prayer Bruntál (recorded online live):

“Whoever wants to roll away that boulder will injure themselves to the blood.”

“Nations, do not wage war. It cannot succeed. Your visions are not from my Spirit. I want my people in my land.”

“Why should your people die, nations? In vain, you are fighting against the Lord of Hosts.”

“It is my hand that stands, and it will turn against you. You will be defeated. Your cities will be destroyed. I warn you, do not wage war against Israel. You cannot succeed against the Lord and His word.”

“Anyone who reaches out their hand against this people will hit a wall. They will be wounded to the blood.”

I also mentioned some words from Ezechiel 30 and submitted it again for discerning. Again, it was briefly spoken about the week after, on 25 August 2024, in the church Sunday meeting.


When discerning these words from the beginning in Liberec respective Hernhutt, I got these:

“It is sure to come.”  (14 August 2024)

About some words received from Ezechiel 30

“Pass it on.”

“The day of pain is near.”

“Write it.”

“Write it all.”

(9.- 18. August 2024)


“The word of the Lord came to me.” (18 August 2024)

“Yes, it stands firmly.” (20 August 2022)

“We will know that he confirms his voice and word to us.”  (23 August 2024)

“It came out of my mouth, I announced it.” (25 August 2024)

“I gave you my words to your mouth.”  (25 August 2024)

“Yes, it comes.” (about 3 September 2024)

It comes.” (10 Septtember 2024)

“It comes” (11 September 2024)

“Write all!”

“Write quickly!” 

“It comes.” 

 (17 September 2024)

“It comes.” (19 September 2024

“It comes.” (20 September 2024)

“Yes, this day comes.”

“You can rely on that.”

(21 September 2024)

“It comes.”  (22 September 2024)

In 2016, I received the prophetic word, “They speak about peace, but it will be none.” This word was received after Premier Natanjahu's speech in the General Assembly of the UN. I wrote more about it in my article, "Israel and Palestine Report 2016.”


Jiří Joel Krupa

25 September 2024 

Jiří Joel Krupa

  • Senior pastor CPMI worldwide
  • Prophetic ministry
  • Educational and pedagogical ministry

"Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes."

"In essential unity, in non-essential charity, in all love."

"Bringing the heart of God to the heart of people."

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