On 22 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and started killing its people there. Putin was calling it "a special operation", but the Holy Spirit called it by its real name ", the war".
In 2014, we received and, in January 2015, published prophecies that warned Ukraine's people "not to go to fight against Ost republics" that wanted to separate. God spoke that Ukraine would be divided. You can read about it more in earlier articles here.
In 2014, God also spoke to us that Russia would move from its place in the west direction but that "God gave the boundary that they can´t cross". I believe he spoke about my country, the Czech Republic, and said, "it will not step here".
In April 2021, the Holy Spirit spoke (at the strategic pastors meeting where he also spoke at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic) that "Russia will invade and will take the land from Ukraine". He said that "people will be dying there". The same month, the Lord spoke at the youth meeting that Russian armies are gathering to fight and "the fight will be there". Also, some other detailed words. We were not able to publish these words fully here.
But from the beginning of this war, we have some other warnings and instructions from the Lord that were spoken publicly as time went on, usually during Sunday meetings in prophetic parts of the gathering.
1) "II will be long."
God spoke this really many times from the early beginning of the conflict.
2) "The vision of President Zelensky is not the vision of the Holy Spirit"
His vision of fighting back the lost territories, including Crimea, is not the vision of the Lord. It is very important to listen to what God is saying and what he was saying at the beginning (you can read earlier articles from 2014).
3) "They are not able to succeed."
It was about the Russian attack on Kyiv. I spoke to our congregation in CPMI House of Prayer Bruntál about my desire to pray against this attack in Kyiv, and I asked others to join me in the same way. I also shared that I received word.
4) "They are not able to succeed."
This time, it was about the Ukraine army, which was given some modern weapons. After the Russian defeat near Kyiv, some people thought Ukraine would also succeed in Ost. Still, I told our congregation in prophetic parts of Sunday meetings (the same as other things written here) that I pray for Russia not to succeed too fast and to slow them down in their movement and progress in Dombass. That includes the vision of their progress. ( But I really don't want to have them as neighbours of Slovakia here.)
5) "You are called to pray for the peace and quenching of this fire. You will not see quenching happening in the near future, but continue to pray that this fire will be smaller, as it could happen without prayers. It is essential to pray. It is also your thing to do it."
We believe the Holy Spirit put it on our hearts, especially with emphasis on the Prayer Walls ministry, where there is a need to pray regularly for one hour for your country. But the need for prayer goes beyond that.
I personally believe that it is also good to pray for Odesa not to be reached and conquered by Putin´s forces.
Be blessed brothers
Shalom in the spiritual war
4 July 2022
Jiří Joel Krupa

Jiří Joel Krupa
- Senior pastor CPMI worldwide
- Prophetic ministry
- Educational and pedagogical ministry
"Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
"In essential unity, in non-essential charity, in all love."
"Bringing the heart of God to the heart of people."
Сайт: jirikrupa.orgПоследнее от Jiří Joel Krupa
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- Ukraine's Efforts to Reclaim Lost Territories in the War with Russia
- Vision About United Ukraine and the Fight for All Territories of Ukraine Is Not From the Mouth of the Lord
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- Do not fight against Israel!
- Ukraine's Efforts to Reclaim Lost Territories in the War with Russia
- Vision About United Ukraine and the Fight for All Territories of Ukraine Is Not From the Mouth of the Lord
- COVID-19 - It Is Not the End - Your Prophets Spoke to You Their Own Visions
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