Politicians, activists and religious leaders who calm down others with words about moderate Islam and do not see the coming danger and its source. They don´t recognize either the cause nor the upcoming consequences.
"I have not sent them, declares the Lord" /18 October 2015/
"Deceptive words that I have not commanded them" /18 October 2015/
The following words were words in the context of the Czech discussion about the same kind of people written above of but I believe they can be seen in the same way in the European context.
"Watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge. They are all mute dogs, they cannot bark. They don´t see that evil is coming." /21 July 2015/
I believe that these words apply to Europe too.
Regarding the danger I, on the contrary, received:
"Send out warning signals" /22 July 2015/
"So loudly as possible" /22 July 2015/
The teachings of Islam (not people but the teachings, the doctrines):
"I hate it" /11 October 2015/
These words were put together of two articles written both 1 January 2016, published 15 and 30 January 2016 in the old www.joelnet.cz website from which this new www.jirikrupa.org eventually envolved.
3 March 2018
Jiří Joel Krupa

Jiří Joel Krupa
- Senior pastor CPMI worldwide
- Prophetic ministry
- Educational and pedagogical ministry
"Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes."
"In essential unity, in non-essential charity, in all love."
"Bringing the heart of God to the heart of people."
Internetová stránka: jirikrupa.org