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"Hear, What the Lord Ways All, Who Live on the Earth"

I got this Word, the same word, for the nations from the Almighty God.

  "Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world."  /Psalm 49,1/

(21 February 2020)

  "Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world."   /Psalm 49,1/

(4 November 2019)

  "Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world, both low and high, rich and poor alike:" /Psalm 49,1-2/

 (1 August 2018) 

It is more than important to hear what the living God is saying. It can decide whether you will live or you will die. 

If you live on this Earth in this world, this Word is for you! God is speaking. You crucially need to listen to him and give your ear to what he is saying to you, to your nation, to your family, to your church ...

Jiří Joel Krupa

18. 3. 2020


Jiří Joel Krupa

  • Senior pastor CPMI worldwide
  • Prophetic ministry
  • Educational and pedagogical ministry

"Let us follow the Lamb wherever He goes."

"In essential unity, in non-essential charity, in all love."

"Bringing the heart of God to the heart of people."

Сайт: jirikrupa.org
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